Thursday, July 5, 2007

Zamelia Wedding

I went to my cousin Zaid's hipster wedding in Chicago last week. There were lots of mustaches present as there should be at any hipster wedding (including my cousin Zaid who is pictured here with his hot wife Amelia).
Newly ordained by the Church of New Life, my mom was the reverend for the wedding. It was very cute.

There were also wigs present for those of us with short attention spans. Yea family photo!

My brother looked especially creepy in those braids. I'm betting this ends up as our 2007 family christmas card.

1 comment:

Tony said...

Most of those mustaches were sported by fifty-year-old white guys, which signals Middle America more than it signals hipster. Large tattoos unconcealed by vintage dresses was the true hipster tip off.