Wednesday, June 27, 2007

cows and technology

Sep's friend and former college roommate Sammy came to town this weekend. Sammy is from Green Bay and though he lives in St. Louis right now he is a die hard sconnie boy. He was constantly checking Brewers' scores on his phone, pounding beer like I'm used to, and even gave me a hat with an old school brewers logo on it.

Then Sammy and I discussed my diatribe on the happy cows come from california commercials (although he sacreligiously admitted his favorite cheese brand is from Vermont). We then posed for a picture representing happy cows from Wisconsin:

Then we started talking about technology (techmology as Brett calls it although I still haven't figured out why). Sep's sister Maryam and Brett then did their artistic representation of techmology. After the picture, we had more of the never ending discussion about whether technology has done more harm than good to society. I think Brett scored some serious points this time when he brought up the ease of mass atrocity in wars for which technology can be held responsible.

Where was Sep during all this photography fun? He was coding in the living room. When he posed for a picture it was simply him coding in the living room. And that would have been a boring picture to post.


Anonymous said...

Sep coding in the living room is an amazing spectacle; perhaps the 8th wonder of the world. Please post his picture; it will triple your blog's pageviews.

Angie Schiavoni said...

ok "anonymous"