I know, I'm lame. But things have been insane at work. We just hired a full-out engineering team to build our products and are in the midst of our selection process for our flagship product: Political "Mutual Funds."
What are those you ask? Well, they are baskets of vetted progressive organizations that donors can contribute to and track their "political impact" over time. So if you're interested in healthcare for example, you have an easy place to contribute $100 to healthcare organizations that have been analyzed and independently verified to make sure they are doing the work they say they do. And eventually you get a nifty report explaining to you the performance of your "holdings" in terms of political impact.
Anyhow, it's so fun working with the organizations going through the application process and the engineers building the platform for the funds. We had 125 great organization apply for the first 3 funds.
We also launched an
NPC blog. Which even though it's not my deal to write posts for it (go Alison!), I feel like I'm constantly thinking about and editing blog posts. I attribute this as a major cause of my neglect of the Schiavoni files.
Come to think of it, a couple days ago I had to write a post for the blog about "
Why I do what I do."
It ended up kind of long and cheesy (I got all sentimental writing it), but it was a good exercise. It's great to stop and reflect on how lucky I am sometimes. I get to love what I do now! Yay!